My Exam Results - June 2007
My results for the CIPFA exams I took in June were published today.
I am disappointed that I still haven't passed FPR! Even more disappointing is that my score has dropped significantly when compared to December. Back then I was only a little short of the pass mark. Where did I go wrong? OK I felt under time pressure again. I know that given more time I would have answered the questions better, but time pressures are all part of the exam. I still need work in my exam technique for this paper. I need be more ruthless when allocating my time to questions, so that I do not get bogged down in one and not leave enough time for the others. I will be sitting down with some of my fellow students, who have passed this module, so that they can help me see where I am going wrong. On reflection, was sitting 3 subjects in June pushing it too much.
Subject Marks Result Finance & Performance Reporting (FPR) 28 Fail Taxation (TAX) 52 Pass Public Finance (PF) 55 Pass
On the positive side I have passed two more modules. So I'm continuing to progress. Back in June when I left the exam hall I was unsure that I had done enough to pass TAX, so that result is the one I'm most pleased about. During the last month I really thought I had done enough to pass FPR and my fears were that I had failed TAX.
I'm a little (tiny little) disappointed that my result in PF wasn't higher. I was confident about that paper and thought my result would be into the 60's. But hey, a pass is a pass.
What next? Well I plan to resit FPR (again) and also take the final module to complete the Diploma stage, Accounting for Decision Making (ADM). I will also arrange to sit a mock exam for FPR (which I did not do last term). This will help in my preparation for the exams in December. My next course in London starts on August 8.