My Exam Results - June 2007

My results for the CIPFA exams I took in June were published today.

Finance & Performance Reporting (FPR)28Fail
Taxation (TAX)52Pass
Public Finance (PF)55Pass
I am disappointed that I still haven't passed FPR! Even more disappointing is that my score has dropped significantly when compared to December. Back then I was only a little short of the pass mark. Where did I go wrong? OK I felt under time pressure again. I know that given more time I would have answered the questions better, but time pressures are all part of the exam. I still need work in my exam technique for this paper. I need be more ruthless when allocating my time to questions, so that I do not get bogged down in one and not leave enough time for the others. I will be sitting down with some of my fellow students, who have passed this module, so that they can help me see where I am going wrong. On reflection, was sitting 3 subjects in June pushing it too much.

On the positive side I have passed two more modules. So I'm continuing to progress. Back in June when I left the exam hall I was unsure that I had done enough to pass TAX, so that result is the one I'm most pleased about. During the last month I really thought I had done enough to pass FPR and my fears were that I had failed TAX.

I'm a little (tiny little) disappointed that my result in PF wasn't higher. I was confident about that paper and thought my result would be into the 60's. But hey, a pass is a pass.

What next? Well I plan to resit FPR (again) and also take the final module to complete the Diploma stage, Accounting for Decision Making (ADM). I will also arrange to sit a mock exam for FPR (which I did not do last term). This will help in my preparation for the exams in December. My next course in London starts on August 8.


Richard Cook said...

Well done again Steve for those you passed successfully this time, and hard luck on the others - hopefully next time! Exams seem to be a very unfair way of assessing a person's abilities: you can either "do" exams, or you can't, there's not much middle ground. There's got to be a more fair (?) way of assessing people - maybe more along the lines of the AAT experience folder??

Steve said...

I know what you mean, if only exams weren't the only way to test a persons knowledge. Talking about the experience folder, in addition to all the exams I have to put together a portfolio as well that includes a work experience log.