My Exam Results - December 2007
My results for the CIPFA exams I took in December were published today.
The pass mark is 50, so to have come so close to passing both is very very frustrating!
Subject Marks Result Accounting for Decision Making (ADM) 47 Fail Finance & Performance Reporting (FPR) 49 Fail
I have requested a copy of the exam marking sheets for the two exams and depending on what they show, I will consider requesting an Administrative Check, which may result in the mark being amended. Whatever the outcome I'm not giving up. I will resit both exams in June if needed.
I have now sat the FPR exam four times! My marks have been 33, 45, 28 and now 49 - I can't believe that I've just missed the pass mark.
In the ADM examiner's report he comes right out and says that collectively it was the worst ever performance with only 48% passing and the average mark dropping below 50 for the first time. This he says is in complete contrast to the previous sitting in June when 73% of candidates passed. It's of little comfort to know that most people who took the exam also failed.
Roll on June.